The Perfect Match: Rom Coms and Homemade Hand Pies

Every small business owner knows that the dream starts somewhere. For Amy Fan, her dream started in her kitchen at 15 years old. As a self-taught baker specializing in pies, Amy worked in a few bakeries in the Sacramento area before pursuing her dream of running her own bakery online, The Whiskful Kitchen.
Amy took the leap of starting her business at the end of 2020. While it wasn’t the ideal year to open a business, Amy said, “It’s been amazing to see all the support from the community. Whether it be from customers or fellow makers, the Sacramento community really welcomes local businesses.”

Community encouragement motivated Amy to keep moving forward with her business, but she also utilized digital support to make a business plan. Amy explained how she worked with an Instagram mentor named Amanda Jonsay, a baker and Instagram strategist (@justbakecause). This is how she came up with the concept of rom-com movies paired with homemade hand pies. Amy said, “Everything just made sense from there!”
A few of Amy’s rom-com themed desserts have been appropriately named When Chocolate Met Marshmallow, (500) Days of Summer Berries, Legally Brownie, and To All the Blueberries I’ve Loved Before. Her dream is evolving, and The Whiskful Kitchen is just getting started.
“The community has been extremely good to local business owners, especially ones that may not have their own brick-and-mortar locations yet,” Amy said. “I’m excited about the possibility to expand. My goal is to own a brick-and-mortar bakery in Sacramento, and I hope to make that a reality at some point.”
The Whiskful Kitchen is part of the 40% of women-owned businesses in the U.S. For Amy, she’s not only the owner, but also describes her business as a one woman show.
“Everything you see, from the actual baking to my social media posts, is all me,” she said. “As many of my fellow local business owners know, it’s a tall order to take on the task of running your own business, but it is extremely rewarding, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
In a small business community like Sacramento’s, it’s not just about profit or product popularity. Amy has found excitement and appreciation for the region’s commitment to growth, and her own business is a prime example of that potential.
She said, “Sacramento is growing, and the fact that the city and community are putting lots of effort in bringing us small businesses along with that growth is truly amazing.”
Next time you’re in the mood for a rom com, don’t forget The Whiskful Kitchen has a treat to match it!
Find The Whiskful Kitchen online:
Instagram: @thewhiskfulkitchen
Facebook: @WhiskfulKitchen
TikTok: @thewhiskfulkitchen
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