Pinorrito: A Taste of Home on the Road

Ralph and Randy Imatong had very different career trajectories. Between the two brothers, Ralph has a degree in cell biology from UC Davis and Randy is a licensed pilot. But one thing they do share is fond memories of their childhood and the meals cooked lovingly by their parents.
These memories served as the catalyst for the creation of Pinorrito, a Filipino food truck that captures the warm feelings and tastes of the brothers’ home while showing just how delicious Filipino food can be. During the pandemic, Randy connected with his love for cooking and started creating meals to deliver, which people embraced with open arms.
“We found that we have strong support from the community and that people love [Randy’s] food,” Ralph said. “From there, we wanted to know how we can share our Filipino cuisine and creativity to a wider audience. We wanted to go to as many communities as we can so that we can help make Filipino food mainstream. So, we decided to set up a food truck business.”
Although people may have broad ideas of what Filipino food looks or tastes like, the brothers seek to showcase a range of flavors beyond that which is simply well-known and highlight the diversity of the cuisine as a whole.
“Filipino cuisine has so much to offer everyone,” Ralph said. “We want to break the barriers where other ethnicities only know Filipino food in the form of balut or any exotic food, though they have amazing flavors and rich histories. We want to share more flavors especially from our hometown to the world.”

The pride that the two brothers take in their heritage extends beyond the food Pinorrito offers and takes root even within the name of the company. “Pinorrito” combines the initials of Ralph and Randy (RR) with the Tagalog words “Pinoy ito” which translates to “This is Filipino.” The business name pays homage to the dreams Ralph and Randy have of making Filipino food mainstream so everyone can know and enjoy it.
Even as their business grows, the family dynamic that spearheaded its creation remains. In January 2022, Pinorrito reached its first milestone and surpassed its target revenue.
“It was an incredible feeling especially because I never thought we would actually make it that far so soon,” Ralph said. “To celebrate this milestone, my brother and I brought our family — his wife, my wife, and our mom — to eat seafood and toasted for the very first time for the continued success of our legacy to our future generations.”
The roots which inspired the brothers to establish Pinorrito are ones which they remain firmly grounded in. As their business forms roots of its own, the brothers are bringing both family and the Sacramento community together.
Here’s where you can support Pinorrito:
Instagram: @pinorritofoodtruck
Facebook: Pinorrito
TikTok: @pinorritofoodtruck
Read more stories about Filipino-owned small businesses in Sacramento:
Happy Mac, Pastries, & More: From Their Home to Yours
Felicità Wine Company: Happiness in a Bottle
Taloa’s Bakery: The Best of Both Islands
Written by: Sarah Ansari