How Derek Campbell Agency is Building Community in Sacramento

Making an impact can start within your own family. Kisha Garner knows this well. As an insurance agent with Derek Campbell Agency in Sacramento, Kisha and her team members work to create lasting impacts through educating the community. Even closer to home, Kisha used her expertise to help her mother with an improved policy with more living benefits.

“I want to change the misconception of life insurance and provide educational information on how insurance can provide benefits to the living,” Kisha said. “Since I started this journey, I have met people from all walks of life.”
Kisha previously worked in the biotech industry, but now finds fulfillment in her work at Derek Campbell Agency helping individuals and families make a change in their lives. In addition to providing and educating about insurance, the team at Derek Campbell Agency also believes in giving back to the community by helping underprivileged children through youth programs.
“The most rewarding aspect of this new career is being able to give back and help other people reach their dreams,” she said. “That’s a very rewarding feeling knowing that you’re having a positive impact.”
The impact Kisha hopes to make doesn’t have boundaries. Studies show that 83% of Americans would consider purchasing life insurance if the process was easier to understand. In the Sacramento region and beyond, underserved communities don’t always have access to information and resources about life insurance. This is a gap Derek Campbell Agency aims to fill.

“My goal for 2023 is to reach communities with limited knowledge of the importance of life insurance and how one small investment can change you or your family’s life forever,” Kisha said.
Sometimes making an impact starts small, but when all communities are considered, that impact has the power to grow.
Get in touch with Derek Campbell Agency:
Facebook: @derekcampbellagency
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