Become a Member

Become a part of one of the largest, most well connected chambers of commerce in the Sacramento region. Our members have the opportunity to tap into a diverse network of business owners, community leaders, and professionals to help you reach your goals. With access to our resources and connections, your business will flourish.

Get in Touch

How We Can Help

Outreach and Education

Connect with a new network to share business promotions, job opportunities, and events in our community. Stay in-the-know on the latest industry trends, procurement and technical assistance opportunities, upcoming events, resources and more.


Make business connections through our networking opportunities and matchmaking services. Join our Ambassador Program or any of our committees and help play a role in advancing the chamber mission. Meet and hear from Sacramento’s business leaders through our educational webinars.


Members have the opportunity to have their voice heard at local and state policymaking levels. You’re backed by a team that advocates for your small business when it comes to policies and legislation. Read more about our public policy priorities.

Business Resources

Take advantage of our financial, technical assistance, one-on-one consulting services, and much more. See a complete list of our business services.

Small Business Membership Levels

Annual Membership $249 $849 $2,500 $5,000
# of Employees 0-5 6-25 26-50 51+
Access to member exclusive pricing for events X X X X
Ability to apply for scholarship to our workforce development programs X X X X
Quarterly Mixer 2 free tix per mixer 3 free tix per mixer 5 free tix per mixer 6 free per mixer
Event Sponsorship 1x 2x
Website Bennefits
Visibility on membership directory 1 category up to 2 catagories up to 3 catagories up to 3 categories
Ability to request posts on our community calendar and community career page X X X X
Opportunity to be featured on our website's "Top Story" section with outbound link 1 1 1 1
Opportunity to have story featured on website 1 1 1 1
Job board posting X X X X
Member E-Newsletter
Requests for visibility in e-newsletter: 2 3 4 6
Ability to have featured insert in e-newsletter 1 2 4
Social Media Outreach
Mention on SACC social media (re-sharing/sharing content from business social media channels) 2 4 6 8
Dedicated e-communication to membership 1 2 3
Opportunity to have story shared on social media 1 2 3 4
Business Development
Monthly access to workshops and classes Free Free Free Free
Opportunity to promote business at workshop/event 1 2 3 4
Metrix Learning $100 1 free license 2 free licenses 3 free licenses
Metrix Learning Content Creation 1 course
Access to Concierge Program X X X
Introductions to qualified leads 1 2 3
Ribbon Cutting / Grand Opening X X X
Ability to be a workshop SME X
Access to Public Policy Team X

Join Our Chamber

Corporate Membership

For corporate membership levels, please contact Matt Sumida at

Member Testimonial
Member Testimonial

“Being a member of the Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce has been a game-changer for my business. Participating in events like the AAPI Night Market and Sip N’ Socialize mixers introduced Acheson Wine Company to a whole new audience and brought in many new clients. The Chamber’s support has boosted my confidence as a business owner and encouraged me to grow as a leader through their Catalyst leadership program. I’m so grateful for the connections, resources, and encouragement the Chamber has provided. If you’re a business owner considering membership, I can’t recommend it enough—it’s an amazing resource for growth and support.”

Loraine Scott
Acheson Wine Company

Contact a Member of Our Team